Those who don't Want to awaken Let them sleep -RUMI

Loh o Qalam [16]

Lecture 16

Supremacy of man

The waves or the strings of light that are flowing in the lengths and widths of the universe are weaving the fabric of creation of this universe. All the movements of life are based upon these very strings of light. Particular characteristics are represented by the particular wavelengths of these waves and every characteristic is associated with one or the other form or feature, that is, every species, every individual, every characteristic, every shape and form of this universe is associated with a particular mode of movement. The combination of these very specific movements results in the form of individuals of the universe.

One aspect of the picture, which is made of lights upon the screen representing the warp and weft, is the picture by itself and the other one is the strings of light that are making the picture.

The universe and its individuals, in their existence in the realm of souls, do not have any classification of perception or sensation. All the ingredients and components of the universe exist in a state as if they are imaginations only. They do not know, what they are, where they are, why they are and, for what purpose they are?

The universe and its individuals, in their existence in the realm of souls, do not have any classification of perception or sensation. All the ingredients and components of the universe exist in a state as if they are imaginations only. They do not know, what they are, where they are, why they are and, for what purpose they are?

When two aspects become adjacent and many other aspects support these two, then, this collective form of various aspects is known as the Existence of a Being. In spite of becoming adjacent the different aspects are can be specified individually and this very specification is the time and space. Or, to say, the demarcation between the various aspects of the existence of an object is the time and space. Time and space do not exist in the Realm of the Souls. An object exists there in the form of an Edict (ammr).

One side of the motion is always dominating upon the other. The dominant side is called Persona Major and the side that is dominated is known as the Persona Minor.

The grant of knowledge of the Names to Adam [in some {Shi'i} traditions {tafaseer (interpretations etc.)} it is the Prophet & Infallible Imams], as mentioned in the holy Quran, actually means that Adam was granted the knowledge of the properties and characteristics of all the existents of this universe. This knowledge of properties and characteristics defines that what Appellations of God, after becoming potentials, are functioning in an object. The Knowledge of the Names means that God taught the knowledge of the structural formations, characteristics, qualities and traits to Adam and only because of this knowledge man enjoys the supremacy over all the other creatures of the universe. Man’s status of the Persona Major is also due to the very same knowledge that enables him to act as a vicegerent of God. Man is superior to all the individuals of the universe whether these are the angels of higher ranks or of the lower cadre, jinns, animals, vegetables or inanimate objects. If a person does not have this knowledge then, he cannot have any superiority over the other creatures.

Elohistic Appellations

A close study of holy Books and Scriptures confirms this fact that God tells the same one thing in different ways and in different styles. When the narrations of the holy Quran are taken into consideration, it is observed that the one thing has been repeated time and again, sometimes even in the same words. Apparently the repetition of contents is not very appealing but actually the purpose of reiterating something is to enable the conscious to grasp the stated thing easily. In view of the ability of the human conscious one thing is narrated in different angles so that it could be learnt and memorized. This helps in having a developed consciousness. God wants us to ponder upon the creative factors from different angles, in different styles and with the help of various examples.

When God wants us to take notice of His Lordship and Creativeness, He gives the examples of the existents scattered upon the surface of the planet earth, sometimes the Heavens, High Throne and His Seat of Authority are referred, and sometimes, we are made to delve in the example of raining from the clouds. He invites the human conscious towards His Creativeness by giving the example of winds. Mentioning about His bounties and bestowals in Surah Rehman, it is stated 31 times, “And, of which favors of your Lord, will ye deny.”

This is the style of God for narrating things, and it is such a way that does not alter or cease to take effect. All the prophets of God did say that they were not saying anything new. The Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) also said the same. When the teachings of the prophets of God are deliberated upon, it is observed that all the prophets proclaimed the same one thing. But, every prophet explained it by giving different examples in a manner befitting the approach, level of understanding and the intellectual needs of his people.

In order to describe the creative process of God, Christ told, God said, Light! And there it was.’ Mohammad (PBUH) states the same thing in these words, ‘God is the Light of the Earth and the Heavens.’

For denouncing the greed, hoarding and materialistic approach, Quran says, ‘ Inform them of a severe penalty who accumulate gold and silver.’ The Bible states the same thing in these words; ‘Tell your fellows, if they are told that a camel could pass through the needle hole, this might be true but if someone says that a wealthy person is admitted in the Paradise, this cannot happen. Here the same one thing is described in different ways. Obviously, a person facing ‘severe penalty’ will not be ‘admitted into Paradise’.

Likewise, when the teachings of all the Holy Books are delved into deeply, it is observed that the main thing they all are preaching is the same one thing but the ways of stating things are different.

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الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): لا تَقطَعْ صَديقاً وإن كَفَرَ.

Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Do not cut off a friend, even if he disbelieves.’

Never underestimate the opposition; keep your friend close but keep your enemy closer and remember never ever trust your friend perfectly for the wound of the trusted one is incurable. Test the level of your associates, especially close friends, by doing three things that may annoy them and observe their response how they react towards you, if they forgive they are indeed your true friends, otherwise remember that a true believer [a m'omin] is never irritated even though everything and everyone else around him do get upset, negative and do suffer from other lowly desires such as these due to lack of faith or other [esoteric, mystical, mental, spiritual, material, psychic, psychological, physical...etc. etc.] reasons.

[Neither forget the thesis &/or the antithesis, nor forget about the power of ignorence, that is, illusionary knowledge, this illusion of truth that the evil ones posses and uphold it as the truth, they consider it as an authantic source created from their will, this illusion of knowledge is real in their minds {many corrupt(ed) contemplative consciousnesses} due to the low vibrational frequencies they reside and exist in, most of the time {because of their distance(s) away from Absolute Almighty Allah}...]

The instant, short term, long term or love in first sight is not love at all. These are mild, moderate or strong [/extreme] forms of lust, they cant be attributed to love at all for they are restricted by term, time, specific space and condition due to instance, shortness, longevity [/appointed limited length] & sight. Real love is unconditional without any term, condition, restriction etc., it does not end after a specific, random or non specific time. Real love is a creation of Allah that is reserved for His eternally purified perfected & pious servants, it does not end after any given term, it is universal and engulfs each & every soul, spirit, selfless submissive entity, it is eternal, everlasting & evergreen, it is applicable to all creations, Allah granted and grants time even to His such servants that are gone astray, He waits from them to shower His forgiveness on those who turn back to Him, until the time they earn eternal damnation due to their love for the evil occults, secrets, sciences, arts, acts, actions, intentions... etc.

A Saying of Imam Ali [A]: Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize, And your cure is within, yet you do not see. You claim that you are nothing but a tiny entity, Yet wrapped up inside of you is the greatest universe. You are the clear book, through whose letters All that is secret is revealed and made known. So you have no need for anything outside of you, Your consciousness is within you, though you do not know. [Divan-e-Ali Ibnay Abi Talib]

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