Those who don't Want to awaken Let them sleep -RUMI

Loh o Qalam [32]

Lecture 32

Atomic Theory

Man can learn knowledge in two ways, by learning from others and spiritually. The knowledge that can be learnt is also of various types but for learning any science its terminology; signs, symbols and alphabets are required to be learnt in the onset. The more one learns various sciences the more strengthened become his conscious and the conscious capacity enlarges to an extent that he can delve upon the prevailing sciences of the world. With the added capacity of the concentrative abilities and the development of the conscious it comes to his knowledge that there exists another conscious from where these sciences are transferring and the psychologists name that Conscious as the Unconscious.

Unconscious is that Conscious, which is far beyond the ordinary conscious of the people. Both the Conscious and the Unconscious encompass all those sciences, which deal with the creative factors like discoveries and inventions. This could be said that the scientists of the present era in his attempt to reach the core of the facts have managed to get to the Unconscious remaining in their Conscious state of mind. This thing has resulted in an unending chain of all types of inventions and discoveries. And, this all happened within the limits of the Acquired Knowledge.

When the heavenly knowledge is taken into consideration and compared with the worldly sciences, it is noticed with amazement that this world was blessed with people who did not learn any knowledge from others in their lives but still they proved to be the beacon of light for the others. And, they handed down those sciences to their fellow beings that helped in the evolution of the conscious mind. These people were the prophets of God. Amongst all those prophets, the holy prophet of Islam disclosed that knowledge which was not disclosed by the prophets before him.

When the Unconscious is mentioned generally it refers to the Third Conscious. All the discoveries and inventions like radio, T.V., computer, atom and the spacecrafts are the wonderworking of this Conscious, which according to the scholars and scientist, is the Unconscious. Important thing to note here is that no invention of the world is beyond the limits of the resources of the world. If the resources are not there no invention can be made possible. Every form of advancement is indigent of resources, whether it is the atomic bomb, aeroplane or some other invention, if the resources are not there the invention is not possible.

In the next step the prophets of God bear witness to the fact that any supernatural activity performed on their part never needed any involvement of material resources. As reported in the holy books, the Christ could cure a blind or a lepers or a bald person merely by run his hand over the person. Similarly the miracles ascribable to the prophets are considered miracles because they did not involve any use of material resources or any known technique to perform that feat.

In context of determining the ranks of various prophets different levels of heavens are mentioned and it is said that Adam is stationed on the first heaven and such and such prophet is stationed at the third, fourth or sixth heaven, in fact, this refers to the level of activation of the Second Conscious. Heavenly limits are not determined on the basis of any direction or boundary as such, but it actually refers to the active level of the Unconscious.

When we look at the celestial bodies, stars and planets, the peripheries of our Conscious and the Unconscious become adjoining, or to say, our conscious is influenced by the Third Conscious. Witnessing the stars, feeling the cool pleasantness of the moonlight and the heat of the sun are evident upon this reality that our conscious is capable of entering the limits of the unconscious and can benefit itself from that those things that are found in the Unconscious and after penetrating deep into the available resources can have an access to the root of the things. This is the law that helped man to explore the powers hidden in the atom.

When we look towards the sky, we see stars over there, which means that the silhouette of the stars touches our Unconscious. What is a planet, what a star is, what are the details of the ingredients and components of these celestial bodies; these thing remain obscure from our Conscious but are clearly known by the Unconscious.

Keeping this formula in view when the Unconscious of a prophet becomes his Conscious, his senses, after becoming under the control of the Unconscious, start to observe, know, hear and feel the internal and external conditions of the celestial bodies. And, when the Conscious (Knowledge) of a prophet transfers to a vali and starts feeding his Conscious, the senses of the vali also become capable of witnessing the celestial bodies just as a common person witnesses the nearby things.

Just as there are various methods for developing and training the conscious abilities similarly the Unconscious can also be trained in many ways i.e., one can enter the limits of his Unconscious in different ways.

It is our common observation that a person with a more organized and arranged Conscious is more aware of the global situations an can comment upon them in a much better way than a person who does not possess a developed Conscious. Let us take the example of a peasant who spent his sixty years of life in a limited area and his interests remained confined to cultivating the land etc. He is an elder for his family being the grand father and enjoys a status of a seasoned person in his community but he has no knowledge about the atomic theory. If such a person is asked about atomic sub-particles, he would not be able to tell anything in this regard. But, contrary to this if the atomic theory is described before a person who has developed his Conscious by learning physical sciences will not feel any difficulty in understanding the atomic theory.

A spiritual person is versed with the four consciouses. One of them is the conscious that helps us to understand the life of the physical world and which is in the knowledge of almost every sane person. This conscious deals with the external stimuli of life. This Conscious in spiritual terms is known as the Fourth Conscious and, in general terms, merely the Conscious.

When the conscious is mentioned that side of the conscious automatically attracts our attention from where the information is supplied to the conscious. This is generally called the Unconscious and according to the spiritual science it is the Third Conscious. Common person remains oblivious of this Conscious but the people who have the habit of contemplating and pondering get to know it. This is the conscious that helps us discovering the laws of nature and inventing new things. All the advancement and progress made by the sciences of present era is attributable to this Conscious.

There are two more Consciouses beside the two mentioned above, which become activated in a spiritual person called vali or the prophets of God.

As a matter of law, when some change takes place in the lights permeating the universe, this change is incorporated in all the four consciouses. This very light that is permeating the universe is the source of interaction between the individuals of the universe. If this lights is extinguished all these four consciouses will cease to exist and if the change takes place in the any one of the first three consciouses then the fourth conscious is bound to display that change in its features.

Change in the conscious set up or the alteration in the lights of the universe is related to with the different angles of light. This light is named as Nasma. Nasma is the name of those rays of light that weave the fabric of creation. These waves are neither at a distance from one another nor are they infused into one another and in spite of that these bright rays keep on changing their angles.

Origin of Thought

This thing has been explained at length that God has created this universe with four consciouses or one Conscious and three unconsciouses. When the structural formation of the universe is mentioned in descending order, the fourth level of the unconscious is named as the First Conscious.

When the Elohistic Appellations have to display them in the form of the Attributes of God, a movement is produced in them and they take the tone of a command, this state in terms of spiritual science is called Germination (Bida’at), which is a sort of biological pressure that commences from the First Conscious and exerts itself effectively up to the Fourth Conscious. When this pressure descends in the Second Conscious it takes the form of Elohistic Behest.

Basis of the universe is the Attributes of God that manifest through Commands of God. This is continuing eternally and will last forever. Stimulation in the Attributes gives rise to form and features, which become material manifestations after passing through three stages.

One form of the existence of the universe is that the universe exists as a whole along with its each and every particle infused into one another just as God had created it. When the universe is sighted collectively in this form it appears to be having all the forms in one place. All the plants, animals and planets are infused into one another. Universe, in fact, is such a Realm where every species appear to be infused in the other species.

This thing must be very carefully noted that Universe is nothing but the Knowledge. If the Knowledge is not there the universe is not there and Knowledge is the Attributes of God (Elohistic Appellations).

First Conscious is the Simple Noor, Second one is the Compound Noor, Third one is the Simple Nasma and the Fourth Conscious is the Compound Nasma. The Exalted angels are the creation of the Simple Noor, other angels are the creation of the Compound Noor, jinns are the creation of the Simple Nasma and, the creatures composed of elements including this planet earth are the creation of the Compound Nasma.

First Conscious --- Simple Noor --- Exalted Angels
Second Conscious --- Compound Noor --- Angels of lower’ ranks
Third Conscious --- Simple Nasma --- Jinns
Fourth Conscious --- Compound Nasma --- Man, Animals, plants and inanimate things.

Life is another name of the stream of thoughts. If the chain of thought is discontinued, all the urges, all the senses and feeling will also abolish. There does not exist even a single movement, which is independent of thoughts. No activity or urge could take place out of the sphere of thoughts. Before undertaking any activity, first we receive a thought about that activity. Nothing can take the form of a manifestation if thought about that thing is not conceived and it is not allowed to be deepen. Leaving the state of Fantasy aside, when this thing is understood that thoughts are responsible for the urges of life, it becomes necessary to explore that from where the thought come to us?

The features of the Preserved Scripturum transform into light waves and these light waves disperse in the mind after striking against it. If the waves do not strike against the human mind, man cannot have the Fantasy, thought or ideas. And, if the fantasy and thoughts are not received, the urges cannot be there. We remain occupied with thoughts coming to our mind the daylong. Certain thoughts are considered as related to our life and most of them are ignored considering them as insignificant.

Whenever a thought comes to our mind, as a matter of law, it has to be associated with one or the other section of the universe. Occurrence of thought by itself is evident upon the fact that it has originated somewhere else and from there it has come to our mind and generated a movement in the screen of the mind. Since we do not perceive that movement or we fail to interpret it, we tend to ignore it. But, this movement is related to those strings of the universe, which are responsible for controlling the operational system of the universe.

We are familiar with the breeze and normally we do not take notice of its blowing but when it changes to a windy flurry we cannot ignore it. The wind is against the routine blowing of air and is an indication that some change has taken place in the system responsible for the blowing of air or wind. Similarly, a movement taking place in the human mind, in the form of occurrence of thought, means that some movement has taken place in the Unconscious. What is the origin of this movement, how does the system of these movements is working? All these things depend upon the quest of a person. The more one becomes familiar with his/her Unconscious by striving and meditating, the easier it becomes for him/her to explore these things.

There does not exist anything that does not have two sides or aspects. We see the form and features of corporeal things and at the same time this also is in our knowledge that someone is holding the very being of those objects. One aspect is dominant and the other aspect is the dominated. One is the manifested side and the other is the obscure or hidden and these two together form the life, which is the perception. This sensing or perceiving too has components. One is the thing or the object to be observed and the other is the observing force, which remains obscure. Unless both the aspects of the sense are united, we cannot observe anything whether it is the corporeal or incorporeal. The object exists before us but the thing responsible for the existence of that object remains obscure from our sight. The physical eyes witness the corporeal things only and the spiritual eye observes both the corporeal and the incorporeal things.

When a blackboard is sighted we observe it as a board that is painted in black, which means that the board and the color are considered two things and the union of these two things is known as a blackboard.

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الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): لا تَقطَعْ صَديقاً وإن كَفَرَ.

Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Do not cut off a friend, even if he disbelieves.’

Never underestimate the opposition; keep your friend close but keep your enemy closer and remember never ever trust your friend perfectly for the wound of the trusted one is incurable. Test the level of your associates, especially close friends, by doing three things that may annoy them and observe their response how they react towards you, if they forgive they are indeed your true friends, otherwise remember that a true believer [a m'omin] is never irritated even though everything and everyone else around him do get upset, negative and do suffer from other lowly desires such as these due to lack of faith or other [esoteric, mystical, mental, spiritual, material, psychic, psychological, physical...etc. etc.] reasons.

[Neither forget the thesis &/or the antithesis, nor forget about the power of ignorence, that is, illusionary knowledge, this illusion of truth that the evil ones posses and uphold it as the truth, they consider it as an authantic source created from their will, this illusion of knowledge is real in their minds {many corrupt(ed) contemplative consciousnesses} due to the low vibrational frequencies they reside and exist in, most of the time {because of their distance(s) away from Absolute Almighty Allah}...]

The instant, short term, long term or love in first sight is not love at all. These are mild, moderate or strong [/extreme] forms of lust, they cant be attributed to love at all for they are restricted by term, time, specific space and condition due to instance, shortness, longevity [/appointed limited length] & sight. Real love is unconditional without any term, condition, restriction etc., it does not end after a specific, random or non specific time. Real love is a creation of Allah that is reserved for His eternally purified perfected & pious servants, it does not end after any given term, it is universal and engulfs each & every soul, spirit, selfless submissive entity, it is eternal, everlasting & evergreen, it is applicable to all creations, Allah granted and grants time even to His such servants that are gone astray, He waits from them to shower His forgiveness on those who turn back to Him, until the time they earn eternal damnation due to their love for the evil occults, secrets, sciences, arts, acts, actions, intentions... etc.

A Saying of Imam Ali [A]: Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize, And your cure is within, yet you do not see. You claim that you are nothing but a tiny entity, Yet wrapped up inside of you is the greatest universe. You are the clear book, through whose letters All that is secret is revealed and made known. So you have no need for anything outside of you, Your consciousness is within you, though you do not know. [Divan-e-Ali Ibnay Abi Talib]

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