Those who don't Want to awaken Let them sleep -RUMI

How was it correct to prostrate before Adam by angels and he's just a creation

(How was it correct to prostrate before Adam by angels and he's just a creation)

Prostration, is not allowed and not correct except for God may praise be to Him, because it is a worshipping and it won't be except for God, otherwise it would be a disbelieve or paganism and such thing is impossible to be done by the Angels that are protected against doing any sins. The real matter is that this prostration is done by a commandment from God and so it is a prostration for God as it was mentioned by them (PBUT) ["them" meaning the prophet and his Household PBUT] about this matter. From Al-Sâdiq (PBUH): whoever prostrated by a command from God, then it is a prostration for God and obeying his order, and if it wasn't the commandment by His Highness he wouldn't prostrate. And this is what had been told also by Al-Imam 'Ali ben Muhammad Al-Hâdi (PBUH) when he said: prostration before Adam by Angels was not for Adam but for obeying God and endearment for Adam. 

After all, prostration before Adam was but as an endearment for him and in real it was worshipping for God because it was done by His command. Al-Mohaddeth Al-Qommi in "Safeenat Al-Bihâr" in Al-Moqâm[apparently seems it is a book name done by a person called Al-Mohaddeth Al-Qommi] did say: you should know that Muslims all agreed that prostrating was not for the purpose of worshipping, but as an endearment for Adam (PBUH) and in deep it was a worshipping for God since it was by His command and this is chosen by most of the interpreters, and God's sayings "then fall down before him prostrate"(Sad: 72) and about Joseph (PBUH) "they fell down before him prostrate" (Yusuf: 100) both have the same interpretation, and the prostration was for God only and for obeying His commandment and was for the endearment of Adam and Joseph (PBUT), like prostrating for God for the occurence of grace or the disappearing of a grace. It is told from Prince of Believers (PBUH) that he said that the first spot on earth that God was worshipped on is that on Kufa[a city in Iraq that had been made a capital during the rule of 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib PBUH] and that was when God ordered Angels to prostrate before Adam (PBUH) and so they did that on the surface of Kufa.

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الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): لا تَقطَعْ صَديقاً وإن كَفَرَ.

Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Do not cut off a friend, even if he disbelieves.’

Never underestimate the opposition; keep your friend close but keep your enemy closer and remember never ever trust your friend perfectly for the wound of the trusted one is incurable. Test the level of your associates, especially close friends, by doing three things that may annoy them and observe their response how they react towards you, if they forgive they are indeed your true friends, otherwise remember that a true believer [a m'omin] is never irritated even though everything and everyone else around him do get upset, negative and do suffer from other lowly desires such as these due to lack of faith or other [esoteric, mystical, mental, spiritual, material, psychic, psychological, physical...etc. etc.] reasons.

[Neither forget the thesis &/or the antithesis, nor forget about the power of ignorence, that is, illusionary knowledge, this illusion of truth that the evil ones posses and uphold it as the truth, they consider it as an authantic source created from their will, this illusion of knowledge is real in their minds {many corrupt(ed) contemplative consciousnesses} due to the low vibrational frequencies they reside and exist in, most of the time {because of their distance(s) away from Absolute Almighty Allah}...]

The instant, short term, long term or love in first sight is not love at all. These are mild, moderate or strong [/extreme] forms of lust, they cant be attributed to love at all for they are restricted by term, time, specific space and condition due to instance, shortness, longevity [/appointed limited length] & sight. Real love is unconditional without any term, condition, restriction etc., it does not end after a specific, random or non specific time. Real love is a creation of Allah that is reserved for His eternally purified perfected & pious servants, it does not end after any given term, it is universal and engulfs each & every soul, spirit, selfless submissive entity, it is eternal, everlasting & evergreen, it is applicable to all creations, Allah granted and grants time even to His such servants that are gone astray, He waits from them to shower His forgiveness on those who turn back to Him, until the time they earn eternal damnation due to their love for the evil occults, secrets, sciences, arts, acts, actions, intentions... etc.

A Saying of Imam Ali [A]: Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize, And your cure is within, yet you do not see. You claim that you are nothing but a tiny entity, Yet wrapped up inside of you is the greatest universe. You are the clear book, through whose letters All that is secret is revealed and made known. So you have no need for anything outside of you, Your consciousness is within you, though you do not know. [Divan-e-Ali Ibnay Abi Talib]

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