Those who don't Want to awaken Let them sleep -RUMI

Some of what was mentioned in the books of Enoch PBUH

Some of what was mentioned in the books of Enoch PBUH

From Ibn Tawoos he said: It was mentioned in the books of Enoch these sentences and they are: Like if death had come to you and your moaning and your sweating have increased, and your lips shrinked and your tongue became broken and your spittle became dry and whiteness became over your eyes blackness, and your mouth started to foam and your whole body started to shake, and you became to treat the death with its agony, its bitterness, and its shrieking, and you've been called and you can't hear anything, then your soul came out and you've became a dead body among your relatives. There is a lesson in you for others, so think in the meanings of death, whatever became upon others will become upon you no way out, and every life however it is long is short because whatever will come is close by at a certain time. So, meditate in the meanings of death you who die, and know you human being that death is harder than what becomes before it and easier than what becomes after it from troubles and disasters of the doomsday,..etc. And it was engraved on his ring: Patience is of faith, by God the victory will come. And it was engraved on the area that he wore: The festivals are in keeping the duties, and the laws are of the completeness of religion, and the completeness of religion is the completeness of manhood. And over the area that he wore at the time of praying over the dead: The happy one who looks at himself, intercession to his God, his good deeds.

They mentioned that he had sermons and morals, and every band took it out with its own tongue, and ran as useful proverbs and symbols, and from that was his saying that was traced back to him (PBUH): No one will be able to thank God for His gifts as giving His creatures. And also: Whoever wanted to reach the wisdom and the good of deeds, so let him leave the tool of ignorance and the bad deeds. As you see the craftsman that knows all the crafts so when he wants to sew he took its own tool and leave the tool of carpentry, so the love of the life and the after-life do never come into one heart together. And also: The goodness of life is sorrow and its badness is a regret. Meaning that let go of good deeds in life is a sorrow and doing bad deeds is a regret. And also from him: If you called for God the Exalted make your determination clear and pure and also fasting and prayers, so do and never swear and you are liers and don't attack God with rights [meaning here swearing or promising with lies], and don't make liers swear for you and so you'll become partners for them in their sin, and avoid ill gains and follow your kings and your elders and make your mouths full of thanks to God, and the life of souls is wisdom and don't envy people for their luck for they will enjoy it for a little, and whoever exceeded satisfaction will never be satisfied, and so along of what was mentioned by Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr in his stories.

It is mentioned from the book of "Tareekh Al-'Olamâ'" (History of wisemen) that a group of wisemen claimed that all the wisdoms that appeared before the Flood was traced back to Enoch that the hebrews call "Khanookh" the prophet the son of Jared ben Mahalaleel ben Cainan ben Enosh ben Seth ben Adam, and he is Edrees (Enoch) the prophet (PBUH), and then they traced back to him matters and incidents and works that God did not suppose to him and most of them are like legends and what crazy people would do or silly ones that were slaves for life and ego took over them, and they never stop doing the bad deeds, and God forbid that His prophets commit such deeds, but they are assigned to the highest of matters and the best and wisest of conditions for mind and wisemen because they are the resources and they are the leaders of the creations and the guardians of the Creator over His religion and creed, the commanders of goodness and the prohibiters of badness, so they are the tongue and examples of truth and the looking eyes of reality and the hearing ear that express about God the Exalted and they don't speak out of their desires, but it is an inspiration that is inspired which One of mighty powers taught them.

It is mentioned from Enoch PBUH the wise sayings and advices and calls and one of them his call that is read in the dawns of the month of fasting (Ramadhân) that contains forty names for God, as much as the days of Repentance (?), and it begins with: O praise be to You no God exists but You, O Lord of everything and its hire [seems a part of a famous praising]. And after mentioning the forty names comes the great call that has no other match, and it is imploring to God with His forty names, and asking for safety away from punishments of life and after-life, and it is without any doubt an infallible tongue and an inspired and closed one chosen by God for His commandments and for telling people about Him. [then comes a typical ending for the subject which I believe no need to mention here].

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الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): لا تَقطَعْ صَديقاً وإن كَفَرَ.

Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Do not cut off a friend, even if he disbelieves.’

Never underestimate the opposition; keep your friend close but keep your enemy closer and remember never ever trust your friend perfectly for the wound of the trusted one is incurable. Test the level of your associates, especially close friends, by doing three things that may annoy them and observe their response how they react towards you, if they forgive they are indeed your true friends, otherwise remember that a true believer [a m'omin] is never irritated even though everything and everyone else around him do get upset, negative and do suffer from other lowly desires such as these due to lack of faith or other [esoteric, mystical, mental, spiritual, material, psychic, psychological, physical...etc. etc.] reasons.

[Neither forget the thesis &/or the antithesis, nor forget about the power of ignorence, that is, illusionary knowledge, this illusion of truth that the evil ones posses and uphold it as the truth, they consider it as an authantic source created from their will, this illusion of knowledge is real in their minds {many corrupt(ed) contemplative consciousnesses} due to the low vibrational frequencies they reside and exist in, most of the time {because of their distance(s) away from Absolute Almighty Allah}...]

The instant, short term, long term or love in first sight is not love at all. These are mild, moderate or strong [/extreme] forms of lust, they cant be attributed to love at all for they are restricted by term, time, specific space and condition due to instance, shortness, longevity [/appointed limited length] & sight. Real love is unconditional without any term, condition, restriction etc., it does not end after a specific, random or non specific time. Real love is a creation of Allah that is reserved for His eternally purified perfected & pious servants, it does not end after any given term, it is universal and engulfs each & every soul, spirit, selfless submissive entity, it is eternal, everlasting & evergreen, it is applicable to all creations, Allah granted and grants time even to His such servants that are gone astray, He waits from them to shower His forgiveness on those who turn back to Him, until the time they earn eternal damnation due to their love for the evil occults, secrets, sciences, arts, acts, actions, intentions... etc.

A Saying of Imam Ali [A]: Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize, And your cure is within, yet you do not see. You claim that you are nothing but a tiny entity, Yet wrapped up inside of you is the greatest universe. You are the clear book, through whose letters All that is secret is revealed and made known. So you have no need for anything outside of you, Your consciousness is within you, though you do not know. [Divan-e-Ali Ibnay Abi Talib]

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